Issue 151: Could AI Help Us Talk to Animals?


Welcome to Backstory, a weekly newsletter turning global technology shifts into a three-minute read. This week, we’re thinking about AI. – Mary Ames, Director of Strategy


Could AI Help Us Talk to Animals?


Last week, we linked to a fascinating story about new research into how animals communicate with each other and the world around them. Scientists are making breakthrough discoveries into the communication patterns of animal communities. These discoveries are helping us learn more than ever about the world around us. The next innovation in this space is a new ability to communicate with animals with the help of artificial intelligence. This development is nothing short of extraordinary.  

History in the making. Many indigenous cultures worldwide have believed that animals can communicate with humans on purpose. However, Western researchers and scientists have shied away from research into these fields. But recent breakthroughs in AI systems have given researchers powerful tools that compile enough data to demonstrate clear communication patterns. Beyond the ethical concerns of AI development and the overreach of some companies in AI, these discoverers are profound reminders of the power of this technology to change our world positively. 

Real talk. One researcher interviewed by Scientific American explained that “if we combine digital listening—which is opening up vast new worlds of nonhuman sound and decoding that sound with artificial intelligence—with deep listening, I believe that we are on the brink of two important discoveries. The first is language in nonhumans. And that’s a very controversial statement, which we can dig into. And the second is: I believe we’re at the brink of interspecies communication.” The obvious question is, what will we ask our new animal friends?


“It is not that I’m so smart. But I stay with the questions much longer.”

– Albert Einstein


This week, we are thinking about sovereign wealth funds in the Gulf. Sovereign wealth funds’ assets under management in the region have grown 70 percent since 2018 to reach $3.6 trillion thanks to rising hydrocarbon prices and other investments.


Brand Storytelling for Women in Tech. Earlier this week, Our Director of Strategy, Mary Ames, took center stage at the Women-In-Tech Startup Program in collaboration with DIFC Fintech Hive. A video of the live-stream of the session is now live on our website. Mary shared her insights on the art of brand storytelling, turning passion into purpose, and the tools for creative impact for tech-savvy women entrepreneurs.

Women in 4IR:The Fourth Industrial Revolution. It’s here and it’s transforming the future of work. The coming transformation of labor could improve the position of women in the workplace. If we start a conversation about the role of gender in 4IR today, we can lay the groundwork for a more equitable future tomorrow. In this piece published by Xische, Mary Ames explores the issues at play. She argues that we must realize the invaluable perspectives women can bring to designing and regulating the future to explore the full potential of 4IR.


Direct solar power. Renewable energy is vital for a positive climate future, but the infrastructure needed for viable renewable energy is expensive and can be harsh on the environment. One idea to solve this challenge is direct solar power. Solar panels without backup infrastructure make renewable energy production much more affordable, efficient, and sustainable. Low Tech Magazine has the full and fascinating story about direct renewables. 


Life without smartphones. Love or hate them, smartphones are a part of our everyday reality. The smartphone is a vital part of our work life for many of us. But does it need to be? The Wall Street Journalasks: Can we have a career without a smartphone? The answer is sort of. While many of us can’t abandon the smartphone altogether, there are plenty of sensible steps we can take to mitigate their control over our lives.


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